Why Front?

Front is an incredibly beautiful, fully responsive, and mobile-first projects on the web – it is the perfect starting point for any creative and professional sites.


Powerful features


Top-notch code


Excellent design


Goal driven

Image Description
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                    <!-- Title -->
                    <div class="w-md-75 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-9">
                      <h2 class="h1 font-weight-normal">Why Front?</h2>
                      <p>Front is an incredibly beautiful, fully responsive, and mobile-first projects on the web – it is the perfect starting point for any creative and professional sites.</p>
                    <!-- End Title -->

                    <div id="SVGicons" class="svg-preloader w-lg-75 mx-md-auto mb-11">
                      <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-6 col-sm-3 mb-5 mb-sm-0">
                          <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                          <div class="text-center">
                            <figure class="ie-height-40 w-100 max-width-6 mx-auto mb-3">
                              <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-6.svg" alt="SVG"
                            <h3 class="h6 font-weight-normal">Powerful features</h3>
                          <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                        <div class="col-6 col-sm-3 mb-5 mb-sm-0">
                          <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                          <div class="text-center">
                            <figure class="ie-height-40 w-100 max-width-6 mx-auto mb-3">
                              <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-26.svg" alt="SVG"
                            <h3 class="h6 font-weight-normal">Top-notch code</h3>
                          <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                        <div class="col-6 col-sm-3">
                          <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                          <div class="text-center">
                            <figure class="ie-height-40 w-100 max-width-6 mx-auto mb-3">
                              <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-21.svg" alt="SVG"
                            <h3 class="h6 font-weight-normal">Excellent design</h3>
                          <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                        <div class="col-6 col-sm-3">
                          <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                          <div class="text-center">
                            <figure class="ie-height-40 w-100 max-width-6 mx-auto mb-3">
                              <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-8.svg" alt="SVG"
                            <h3 class="h6 font-weight-normal">Goal driven</h3>
                          <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                  <!-- Showcase Mockup -->
                  <figure id="SVGshowcaseMockup3" class="svg-preloader ie-showcase-mockup-3">
                    <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/showcase-mockup-3.svg" alt="Image Description"
                           {"targetId": "#SVGshowcaseMockup3Img1", "newPath": "../../assets/img/755x470/img2.jpg"}
                  <!-- End Showcase Mockup -->
                <!-- End Learn Section -->
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css">
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                <script src="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.min.js"></script>
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                <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                  $(window).on('load', function () {
                    // initialization of svg injector module

                  $(document).on('ready', function () {
                    // initialization of popups