Product Description
Premium Bootstrap 5 Template
Front is a fully responsive and yet modern premium Bootstrap theme. Whether you’re creating a subscription service, showcasing a portfolio, publishing a blog or an e-commerce store — Front’s feature-rich components and designed demo pages help you create the best possible products.
Made for everyone
- 6 Pre-built demos (and counting) – Explore diverse demo options with inner pages, such as E-Commerce, Courses, App Marketplace, Help Desk, Real Estate and Jobs
- 16 Landings – Build a professional website with corporate, business and start-up landing pages
- 9 Account Pages (New) – After login pages such as profile, billing, orders and more
- 5 Blog pages – Create modern publishing platform and bring more traffic to your website
- 8 Portfolio pages – Showcase your stunning Portfolio design layouts and Case Studies
- 25 Supporting pages – Your ready-to-use page solutions for all kinds of content layouts such as about, services, pricing, contacts and more
- Premium images – All images from live demo pages are included in your download package
- Workflow (Tools) – Automate your time-consuming tasks such as compiling SASS, minify CSS, JavaScript files and more
- Documentation – Find out detailed guidelines for everything you see in Front
- Snippets (New) – Start building unique pages with ready-to-use combined components
- Free updates – Download the latest version anytime and keep your website up-to-date
- Customer support – Top-notch support from core team in direct contact with you to resolve issues
- 100% money-back guarantee – No questions asked
Roadmap (future updates)
- Snippets (New)
- Account Pages (Live)
- Real Estate Demo (Live)
- Jobs Demo (Live)
- Powerful Gulp Build Tool (Live)
- Bootstrap v5 (Live)
- RTL (Coming Soon)
- Figma Design File (Coming Soon)
Please feel free to request a new feature on the Contact Us page and we will make sure to include them in future updates.
Developers first
The theme is so flexible that extending the base components of Bootstrap has never been easier.
- Built with the latest Bootstrap 5.x
- Thoroughly customized SASS
- Gulp automation tool to boost your production
- Developer friendly and well-commented code structure
- In-depth detailed Documentation with copy-paste snippets
Design solutions
Get access to customizable web page designs and useful design tools to build your website with:
- 100% responsive layouts/components
- Premium Images (100% demo images are included in the download package)
- Dozens of Header/Navbar Layouts
- Control the look and feel of your website, from its layout to content and colors
- Hundreds of customizable UI components
- Exclusive Front-icons
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
The powerful and flexible libraries
Each library is architected to be easy to extend or customize.
- AOS – Dynamic, page-scrolling animations on scroll
- Bootstrap Select – Intuitive multiselection and searching selecter plugin
- Char.js – Flexible charts
- Circles – Circular SVG graphs with animations on scroll
- Clipboard – A copy text to clipboard plugin
- Shuffle – A library that provides portfolio system, animated filtering or any other ordered grid content
- Dropzone – Drag’n’drop file-attach uploads with image previews
- Fullscreen Lightbox – Popup gallery for images, HTML content, and multi-media
- Bootstrap Icons – High quality, open source icon library with over 1,300 icons
- Range Slider (noUiSlider) – Easy and responsive form range slider
- Leaflet.js (Maps) – Mobile-friendly interactive open source map library trusted by millions
- Swiper – Most modern mobile touch slider
- Quill – Powerful rich WYSIWYG text editor
- Advanced Select – The jQuery replacement for select boxes
- And many more others
Exclusive in house libraries crafted by Htmlstream
- HS-Add-Field – Dynamic fields creation
- HS-Counter – Animate a number from zero (counting up towards it)
- HS-Go-to – Smooth scroll back to the top of the page
- HS-Header – Front’s powerful, responsive navigation header, the navbar
- HS-Header-Fullscreen – Full screen header navigation
- HS-Mega-Menu – Front mega menu navigation component which enhances the standard navbar features
- HS-Progress-Bar – Animated progress bar
- HS-Quantity-Counter – Quantity input counter for Shop systems or so
- HS-Scroll-Nav – Scroll to the targeted block with smooth animation
- HS-Show-Animation – Make boring show/hide blocks elegant with the opening/closing animation effects
- HS-Step-Form – Create a multi-step form to get more leads and increase engagement
- HS-Sticky-Block – Make any block floating on your page
- HS-Switch – It is for switching from one setting to another
- HS-Toggle-State – Toggle from one value to another
- HS-Video-Bg – Responsive video or slideshow embedder for background contents
- HS-Video-Player – Inline video player
Always Improving
Front is an always-improving theme that gains new features and UI components with each update. Upon your purchase, you are eligible for a lifetime FREE update. Since the first release, we have released more than 20 updates and we plan to excite you even more.
Theme support
Have a question? No worries! Front comes with 6 months of free support. We take seriously every issue that is reported to us, and we aim to resolve each one as quickly as possible. In addition our Customer Support Team has helped over 12,000+ clients from freelancers to corporate companies with their questions. Feel free to contact us at
45,000+ Happy Customers
Over 7 years, we have sold more than 45 thousand copies of templates and learned the best possible ways to create Themes which covers any needs. In this mission, one thing is clear: to make your life easier in both code and design. Here’s how we do it:
- Constant long-term updates to keep our template up to date with the latest trends
- Top-notch support team in direct contact with users to resolve issues
- If we cannot resolve your issue, we will refund you
Need customization?
We offer affordable, professional and trendy customized design solutions, solely for your own projects! Front Template can be easily customized with its cutting-edge components and features. However, if you feel you need any further customization please drop us a message at and our dedicated team will assist you with your inquiries.
Stay Tuned
Enjoy using Front and stay tuned for the latest updates and news on Facebook, Twitter and and for design teasers on Dribbble.
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