Device friendly features

Your website is fully responsive so visitors can view your content from their choice of device.

Image Description
<!-- Devices v2 Section -->
<div id="SVGSubscribe" class="svg-preloader bg-primary u-devices-v2">
  <div class="container space-2 space-md-3 position-relative z-index-2">
    <!-- Title -->
    <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto">
      <span class="btn btn-lg btn-icon btn-white rounded-circle mb-4">
        <span class="fas fa-paper-plane text-primary btn-icon__inner"></span>
      <h2 class="h1 text-white">Device <span class="font-weight-semi-bold">friendly</span> features</h2>
      <p class="lead text-white-70 mb-0">Your website is fully responsive so visitors can view your content from their choice of device.</p>
    <!-- End Title -->

  <!-- Devices v2 -->
  <div class="d-none d-lg-block">
    <!-- SVG Tablet Mockup -->
    <div class="u-devices-v2__tablet">
      <div class="w-75 u-devices-v2__tablet-svg">
        <figure class="ie-devices-v2-tablet">
          <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/components/tablet.svg" alt="Image Description"
                 {"targetId": "#SVGtabletImg1", "newPath": "../../assets/img/533x711/img1.jpg"}
    <!-- End SVG Tablet Mockup -->

    <!-- SVG Phone Mockup -->
    <div class="u-devices-v2__phone">
      <div class="w-75 u-devices-v2__phone-svg">
        <figure class="ie-devices-v2-iphone">
          <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/components/iphone.svg" alt="Image Description"
                 {"targetId": "#SVGiphoneImg1", "newPath": "../../assets/img/282x500/img1.jpg"}
    <!-- End SVG Phone Mockup -->
  <!-- End Devices v2 -->

  <!-- SVG Background Shape -->
  <figure class="w-100 content-centered-y position-absolute right-0 bottom-0">
    <img class="js-svg-injector" src="../../assets/svg/components/process-pointer-1.svg" alt="Image Description"
  <!-- End SVG Background Shape -->
<!-- End Devices v2 Section -->
<!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
<script src="../../assets/vendor/svg-injector/dist/svg-injector.min.js"></script>

<!-- JS Front -->
<script src="../../assets/js/components/hs.svg-injector.js"></script>

<!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
  $(window).on('load', function () {
    // initialization of svg injector module