Call-to-action (CTA)

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CTA #1

What Happened to Bitcoin?

The Bitcoin Core (BTC) – network is in trouble due to high fees and slow transaction times. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the upgrade that solves these problems.

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            <h2 class="text-white font-weight-semi-bold">What Happened to <span class="text-warning">Bitcoin?</span></h2>
            <p class="text-white-70 mb-0"><strong class="text-white">The Bitcoin Core (BTC)</strong> – network is in trouble due to high fees and slow transaction times. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the upgrade that solves these problems.</p>
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          Cash with Our Guide
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CTA #2

Front Template – the simplest and fastest way to build sites. Start Enterprise Trial
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      <span class="font-weight-semi-bold">Front Template</span> – the simplest and fastest way to build sites.
    <a class="btn btn-sm btn-white transition-3d-hover font-weight-normal ml-2" href="#">Start Enterprise Trial</a>
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CTA #3

Join over 35,000 happy customers selling houses online

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    <h2 class="font-weight-medium">Join over <strong class="text-primary">35,000</strong> happy customers selling houses online</h2>
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CTA #4

Ready to get started?

Front Template – the simplest and fastest way to build sites.

Start Free Trial
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      <span class="font-weight-semi-bold">Front Template</span> – the simplest and fastest way to build sites.
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CTA #5

Front makes you look at things from a different perspectives.

Get Started
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          <h2 class="font-weight-normal">Front makes you look at things from a different perspectives.</h2>
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CTA #6


Grow your business with Front Pay

From startups to Fortune 500s, explore how millions of businesses use Front Pay to start and scale their companies. See our customers

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        <h4 class="h6">Grow your business with Front Pay</h4>
        <p>From startups to Fortune 500s, explore how millions of businesses use Front Pay to start and scale their companies.
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            See our customers
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CTA #7

Create better experiences with Front Pay

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        <h3 class="h2 text-white font-weight-semi-bold mb-0">Create better experiences with Front Pay</h3>

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        <a class="btn btn-indigo btn-wide btn-pill transition-3d-hover mr-3" href="#">Get Started</a>
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CTA #8

Revolutionizing the way your team works!

Image Description
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          <h3 class="h4 text-indigo font-weight-medium mb-0">Revolutionizing the way your team works!</h3>

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CTA #9

Start your demo with Front today

Schedule a Demo
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      <h3 class="h2 text-white font-weight-normal">Start your demo with Front today</h3>
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