News Blogs

To help you reach your audience in a personal and more informal way, Front includes several News Blogs to start with.

News blog #1


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News blog #2

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      <h2 class="h6 mb-0">Atlassian</h2>
      <small class="d-block text-secondary">Website design</small>
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Classic news blog #1

Image Description
April 29, 2018

5 basic tips for colors

Tis the season to be jolly, and Ueno has one more thing to be cheery about in 2017.

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      <small class="d-block text-secondary mb-1">March 20, 2018</small>
      <h2 class="h5">
        <a href="#">Remote workers, here's how to dodge distractions</a>
      <p>We've been working hard with our besties at Reuters to design a new reading experience for</p>
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      <small class="d-block text-secondary mb-1">April 29, 2018</small>
      <h3 class="h5">
        <a href="#">5 basic tips for colors</a>
      <p>Tis the season to be jolly, and Ueno has one more thing to be cheery about in 2017.</p>
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Grid news blog #1

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      <small class="d-block text-muted mb-2">May 15, 2018</small>
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        <a href="#">InVision design forward fund</a>
      <p class="mb-0">Clark Valberg is the founder and CEO of InVision.</p>

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          <h4 class="small mb-0"><a href="#">Andrea Gard</a></h4>
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      <small class="d-block text-muted mb-2">May 22, 2018</small>
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        <a href="#">Announcing a plan for small teams</a>
      <p class="mb-0">We've always believed that by providing a space</p>

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          <h4 class="small mb-0"><a href="#">James Austin</a></h4>
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      <small class="d-block text-muted mb-2">May 30, 2018</small>
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        <a href="#">Design principles</a>
      <p class="mb-0">The biggest collections of design principles on the internet</p>

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          <h4 class="small mb-0"><a href="#">Charlotte Moore</a></h4>
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List news blog #1

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          <small class="d-block text-muted mb-3">April 11, 2018</small>
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            <h2 class="h5">
              <a href="#">Smartbtc sees the need for contracts</a>
            <p>Just recently the startup Smartbtc announced the execution of...</p>
          <small class="d-block text-secondary">by <a class="text-dark font-weight-semi-bold" href="#">James Austin</a></small>
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          <small class="d-block text-muted mb-3">May 5, 2018</small>
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            <h3 class="h5">
              <a href="#">Italy completes consultations on companies</a>
            <p>Public consultations on a new regulatory regime for crypto companies...</p>
          <small class="d-block text-secondary">by <a class="text-dark font-weight-semi-bold" href="#">James Austin</a></small>
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Modern news blog #1

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        <h2 class="h4 text-white">Front & envelope</h2>
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          <strong class="d-block text-white-70 mb-2">Neyton Burchie</strong>
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        <h3 class="h4 text-white">Gimme that Awwward!</h3>
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          <strong class="d-block text-white-70 mb-2">Tina Krueger</strong>
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Card news blog #1

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          <small class="text-muted">3 hours ago</small>
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          <a href="#">Rocky Mountains</a>
        <p class="mb-0">New snowfall throughout the season is displayed with 24 hour and 72-hour snow totals, providing a snapshot of mountain conditions.</p>
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              <a href="#">Andrea Gard</a>
            <small class="d-block">on <a class="text-secondary" href="#">Buzzfeed</a></small>
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          <small class="d-block text-muted">19 hours ago</small>
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          <a href="#">Announcing a free plan for small teams</a>
        <p class="mb-0">At Wake, our mission has always been focused on bringing openness.</p>
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              <a href="#">James Austin</a>
            <small class="d-block">on <a class="text-secondary" href="#">InVision</a></small>
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Card news blog #2

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              <a href="#">Scott Levine</a>
            <small class="d-block text-white">on <a class="text-white-70" href="#">Buzzfeed</a></small>
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        <small class="d-block text-white-70">1 day ago</small>

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        <h2 class="h5 text-white">
          <a href="#">Facebook is creating a news section in Watch to feature breaking news</a>
        <p class="text-white-70 mb-0">Facebook launched the Watch platform in August</p>
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              <a href="#">Andrea Gard</a>
            <small class="d-block text-white">on <a class="text-white-70" href="#">Buzzfeed</a></small>
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        <small class="d-block text-white-70">29 days ago</small>

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          <a href="#">A last-minute Labor Day road trip</a>
        <p class="text-white-70 mb-0">Time is running out on all those ambitious plans for barbecues, lounging at the beach and road trips.</p>
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Card news blog #3

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        <h3 class="h4 text-white mb-4">In the future, design principles won't be about design</h3>
        <small class="d-block text-white-70">Andrea Gard</small>
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              C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
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        <h3 class="h4 text-white mb-4">Front makes you look at things from a different perspectives.</h3>
        <small class="d-block text-white-70">Scott Levine</small>
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Card news #4

Image Description

Amazon launched their enterprise platform and built a powerful user experience.

Image Description

Mapbox empowers marketers to create digital marketing dashboards easily and share them with their team.

Image Description

Netflix's mission is to create a planet run by the sun. In order to achieve this goal, they needed to find a way to make solar simple.

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          <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/amazon-original.svg" alt="Logo">
        <p class="mb-0">Amazon launched their enterprise platform and built a powerful user experience.</p>
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        <a href="customer-story.html">Read Story <small class="fas fa-arrow-right ml-1"></small></a>
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          <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/mapbox-original.svg" alt="Logo">
        <p class="mb-0">Mapbox empowers marketers to create digital marketing dashboards easily and share them with their team.</p>
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          <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/netflix-original.svg" alt="Logo">
        <p class="mb-0">Netflix's mission is to create a planet run by the sun. In order to achieve this goal, they needed to find a way to make solar simple.</p>
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        <a href="customer-story.html">Read Story <small class="fas fa-arrow-right ml-1"></small></a>
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Start-up news blog #1

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            <a class="text-secondary font-size-1" href="#">Andrea Gard</a>
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        <small class="d-block text-muted mb-1">5 minutes ago</small>
        <h2 class="h4">
          <a href="#">Exclusive interview with InVision's CEO</a>
        <p class="mb-0">Clark Valberg is the founder and CEO of InVision. If you are a designer, you have probably gotten an email from Clark or from InVision at one time or another, but if you're not familiar with the company.</p>
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            <a class="text-secondary font-size-1" href="#">Charlotte Moore</a>
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        <small class="d-block text-muted mb-1">12 hours ago</small>
        <h2 class="h4">
          <a href="#">Have you ever wondered how to change careers or start a home-based business?</a>
        <p class="mb-0">Coffee News® is one of Forbes and Entrepreneur's highest-ranked affordable franchises. It entertains and informs readers, promotes local business and allows people just like you to make money working from home.</p>
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Masonry news blog #1

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    <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../assets/img/380x250/img6.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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      <small class="d-block text-secondary mb-1">April 29, 2018</small>
      <h3 class="h6 mb-0">
        <a href="#">5 basic tips for colors</a>
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  <article class="card bg-primary text-white border-0 mb-3">
    <div class="card-body p-5">
      <small class="d-block mb-1">April 22, 2018</small>
      <h3 class="h6 text-white mb-0">
        <a href="#">Ideas to stay happy and productive all day for 365 days</a>
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    <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../assets/img/380x250/img8.jpg" alt="Image Description">
    <div class="card-body p-5">
      <small class="d-block text-secondary mb-1">April 29, 2018</small>
      <h3 class="h6 mb-0">
        <a href="#">Classic design principles</a>
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    <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../assets/img/500x550/img4.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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      <small class="d-block text-secondary mb-1">April 1, 2018</small>
      <h3 class="h6 mb-0">
        <a href="single-article-classic.html">Smartbtc sees the need for contracts</a>
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Agency news blog #1

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                    <li class="list-inline-item mr-0">Scott Levine</li>
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                    <li class="list-inline-item">30 mins ago</li>
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                      <a href="#">2018's Most Relaxing and Affordable Vacations</a>
                    <p>At Wake, our mission has always been focused on bringing openness and transparency to the design process.</p>
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              <li class="list-inline-item mr-0">Charlotte Moore</li>
              <li class="list-inline-item mx-2"></li>
              <li class="list-inline-item">4 hours ago</li>
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                <a href="#">Love for food always comes first</a>
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              <li class="list-inline-item mr-0">Charlotte Moore</li>
              <li class="list-inline-item mx-2"></li>
              <li class="list-inline-item">23 hours ago</li>
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                <a href="#">InVision is investing $5 million in design startups</a>
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            <h3 class="h4 text-white mb-4">In the future, design principles won't be about design</h3>
            <small class="d-block text-white-70 mb-1">Andrea Gard</small>
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Thumbnail news blog #1

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            Homemade Clabatta donuts
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            Spruce up your coffee table
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            Breating in the crisp air of cozy place
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Thumbnail news blog #2

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              <span class="d-block h6 text-white mb-1">Interior photographs</span>
              <small class="d-block text-white-70">It doesn't talk about the usual photography attractions.</small>
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              <span class="d-block h6 text-white mb-1">My portfolio update</span>
              <small class="d-block text-white-70">Portfolio offers a user a new way of experiencing design.</small>
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              <span class="d-block h6 text-white mb-1">The guide to Italian living</span>
              <small class="d-block text-white-70">Learn how to live Italian and become happier</small>
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              <span class="d-block h6 text-white mb-0">19 design fails that prove fonts and spacing are everything</span>
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              <span class="d-block h6 text-white mb-1">Warm spring is coming!</span>
              <small class="d-block text-white-70">Australian trees 'sweat' to survive extreme heatwaves</small>
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