Add these testimonial style examples that check off all of the best practices for attracting new customers with help from your happy customers.
Testimonials #1
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
If you can design one thing you can design everything with Front. Just believe it.

Alex Pottorf
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<blockquote class="h6 font-weight-normal text-lh-md mb-4">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</blockquote>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<p class="small text-white-70">Google</p>
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<blockquote class="h6 font-weight-normal text-lh-md mb-4">If you can design one thing you can design everything with Front. Just believe it.</blockquote>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Alex Pottorf</h4>
<p class="small text-white-70">Github</p>
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Testimonials #2
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
If you can design one thing you can design everything with Front. Just believe it.

Alex Pottorf
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<blockquote class="h6 font-weight-normal text-lh-md mb-4">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</blockquote>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<p class="small">Google</p>
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<blockquote class="h6 font-weight-normal text-lh-md mb-4">If you can design one thing you can design everything with Front. Just believe it.</blockquote>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Alex Pottorf</h4>
<p class="small">Github</p>
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Testimonials #3

James Austin
Slack Inc.
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!

Charlotte Moore
Google Inc.
If you can design one thing you can design everything. Just believe it.
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<h2 class="h6 mb-0">James Austin</h2>
<p class="small mb-0">Slack Inc.</p>
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<div class="media-body">
<blockquote class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!</blockquote>
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<h2 class="h6 mb-0">Charlotte Moore</h2>
<p class="small mb-0">Google Inc.</p>
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<blockquote class="mb-0">If you can design one thing you can design everything. Just believe it.</blockquote>
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Testimonials #4
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!
Maria Muszynska, Google
It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Keep it up!
James Austin, Slack
I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...
Charlotte Moore, Amazon

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C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h3 mb-5">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!</blockquote>
<h4 class="h6 text-muted">Maria Muszynska, Google</h4>
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h3 mb-5">It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Keep it up!</blockquote>
<h4 class="h6 text-muted">James Austin, Slack</h4>
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h3 mb-5">I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...</blockquote>
<h4 class="h6 text-muted">Charlotte Moore, Amazon</h4>
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Testimonials #5
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!
Maria Muszynska, Google
It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Keep it up!
James Austin, Slack
I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...
Charlotte Moore, Amazon

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viewBox="0 0 8 8" style="enable-background:new 0 0 8 8;" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="fill-white" d="M3,1.3C2,1.7,1.2,2.7,1.2,3.6c0,0.2,0,0.4,0.1,0.5c0.2-0.2,0.5-0.3,0.9-0.3c0.8,0,1.5,0.6,1.5,1.5c0,0.9-0.7,1.5-1.5,1.5
C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h5 text-white font-weight-normal mb-4">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. Thank you!</blockquote>
<h1 class="h6 text-white-70">Maria Muszynska, Google</h1>
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<div class="js-slide">
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h5 text-white font-weight-normal mb-4">It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Keep it up!</blockquote>
<h2 class="h6 text-white-70">James Austin, Slack</h2>
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<div class="js-slide">
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<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-60 text-center mx-auto">
<blockquote class="h5 text-white font-weight-normal mb-4">I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...</blockquote>
<h3 class="h6 text-white-70">Charlotte Moore, Amazon</h3>
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Testimonials #6
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Massalha Shady
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Mark McManus
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Alex Pottorf
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<p class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<p class="small">Google</p>
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<div class="u-slick-zoom__slide text-center">
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<div class="card-body p-7">
<p class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
<div class="position-relative z-index-2 mt-n5 mb-3">
<div class="u-avatar mx-auto">
<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img2.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Massalha Shady</h4>
<p class="small">Apple</p>
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<div class="card-body p-7">
<p class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
<div class="position-relative z-index-2 mt-n5 mb-3">
<div class="u-avatar mx-auto">
<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img3.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Mark McManus</h4>
<p class="small">Microsoft</p>
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<div class="card border-0 shadow-sm">
<div class="card-body p-7">
<p class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
<div class="position-relative z-index-2 mt-n5 mb-3">
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img4.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Alex Pottorf</h4>
<p class="small">Github</p>
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Testimonials #7
Satisfied customers on Front
I followed a link for a job on Front and uploaded my resume. About two hours later, I received an email from an employer looking for someone with my skills. In a week's time and four interviews later I have a fantastic new job! Thanks Front!
I had my resume public on Front for only two days and I got flooded with interviews from serious competitive employers that resulted in me choosing between very tempting offers. Don't waste your time. Go Front. It's real!
I found my current Job on Front. I applied and got a reply from the company within one day. Hired within the week. No other job site has as many tech jobs as Front.
I uploaded my resume on Front and within that week had several emails and calls about opportunities from recruiters. I decided to pursue an opportunity with HP and started working there that same month. Excellent site!

Casy Williams
NERC CIP Consultant

Elon Fisher

Linda Spears
Business Analyst

Chris Johnson
Firewall Engineer
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<h2 class="text-white font-weight-medium">Satisfied customers on Front</h2>
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<blockquote class="lead text-white-70 text-lh-md">
I followed a link for a job on Front and uploaded my resume. About two hours later, I received an email from an employer looking for someone with my skills. In a week's time and four interviews later I have a fantastic new job! Thanks Front!</blockquote>
<!-- End Testimonials -->
<div class="js-slide">
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<blockquote class="lead text-white-70 text-lh-md">
I had my resume public on Front for only two days and I got flooded with interviews from serious competitive employers that resulted in me choosing between very tempting offers. Don't waste your time. Go Front. It's real!</blockquote>
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<div class="js-slide">
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<blockquote class="lead text-white-70 text-lh-md">
I found my current Job on Front. I applied and got a reply from the company within one day. Hired within the week. No other job site has as many tech jobs as Front.</blockquote>
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<div class="js-slide">
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<blockquote class="lead text-white-70 text-lh-md">
I uploaded my resume on Front and within that week had several emails and calls about opportunities from recruiters. I decided to pursue an opportunity with HP and started working there that same month. Excellent site!</blockquote>
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<h4 class="h6 u-slick--pagination-interactive__title mb-0">Casy Williams</h4>
<p class="small u-slick--pagination-interactive__text mb-0">NERC CIP Consultant</p>
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<h4 class="h6 u-slick--pagination-interactive__title mb-0">Elon Fisher</h4>
<p class="small u-slick--pagination-interactive__text mb-0">Consultant</p>
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<h4 class="h6 u-slick--pagination-interactive__title mb-0">Linda Spears</h4>
<p class="small u-slick--pagination-interactive__text mb-0">Business Analyst</p>
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<h4 class="h6 u-slick--pagination-interactive__title mb-0">Chris Johnson</h4>
<p class="small u-slick--pagination-interactive__text mb-0">Firewall Engineer</p>
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Testimonials #8
What Front users say about us.
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Massalha Shady
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Mark McManus
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Alex Pottorf
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<h2 class="font-weight-normal mb-4">What Front users say about us.</h2>
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<div class="js-slide my-4">
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<div class="card border-0 shadow-sm mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-6">
<p>The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
<div class="media ml-6">
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<p class="small">Google</p>
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<div class="js-slide my-4">
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<div class="card border-0 shadow-sm mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-6">
<p>The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
<div class="media ml-6">
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img2.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Massalha Shady</h4>
<p class="small">Apple</p>
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<div class="js-slide my-4">
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<div class="card border-0 shadow-sm mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-6">
<p>The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img3.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Mark McManus</h4>
<p class="small">Microsoft</p>
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<div class="card border-0 shadow-sm mb-4">
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<p>The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img4.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Alex Pottorf</h4>
<p class="small">Github</p>
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Testimonials #9
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
The theme is well designed with modern tools, we had no issue porting it to our own Webpack build.

Massalha Shady
I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...

Mark McManus
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<div class="js-slide card mb-1">
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<div class="card-body p-5">
<div class="mb-auto">
<p class="mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</p>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Maria Muszynska</h4>
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<div class="js-slide card mb-1">
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<p class="mb-0">The theme is well designed with modern tools, we had no issue porting it to our own Webpack build.</p>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Massalha Shady</h4>
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<div class="js-slide card mb-1">
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<div class="card-body p-5">
<div class="mb-auto">
<p class="mb-0">I love Front! I love the ease of use, I love the fact that I have total creative freedom...</p>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Mark McManus</h4>
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Testimonials #10

Maria Muszynska, Google
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!
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<h4 class="h6 text-white">Maria Muszynska, Google</h4>
<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-7">
<blockquote class="h3 text-white mb-0">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</blockquote>
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C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
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Testimonials #11

I love to have extra money. If I have time I invest by myself, but sometimes you want to have time for your family or friends, especially when you are on holidays. It's sooo great to come back rested, tanned etc and with extra money at your accounts. Good work, guys!
Samantha Wilson
— Durbanville, South Africa<!-- Testimonials -->
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<path class="fill-warning" d="M3,1.3C2,1.7,1.2,2.7,1.2,3.6c0,0.2,0,0.4,0.1,0.5c0.2-0.2,0.5-0.3,0.9-0.3c0.8,0,1.5,0.6,1.5,1.5c0,0.9-0.7,1.5-1.5,1.5
C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
<!-- End SVG Quote -->
<blockquote class="lead text-white mb-4">I love to have extra money. If I have time I invest by myself, but sometimes you want to have time for your family or friends, especially when you are on holidays. It's sooo great to come back rested, tanned etc and with extra money at your accounts. Good work, guys!</blockquote>
<h4 class="h5 text-white">Samantha Wilson</h4>
<span class="d-block text-warning pl-3">— Durbanville, South Africa</span>
<!-- End Avatar -->
<!-- End Testimonials -->
Testimonials #12
The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska
Head of IT department at Google<!-- Testimonials Section -->
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C1.4,6.9,1,6.6,0.7,6.1C0.4,5.6,0.3,4.9,0.3,4.5c0-1.6,0.8-2.9,2.5-3.7L3,1.3z M7.1,1.3c-1,0.4-1.8,1.4-1.8,2.3
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<!-- Blockquote -->
<div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-6">
<blockquote class="lead text-secondary font-weight-normal">The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!</blockquote>
<!-- End Blockquote -->
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<div class="ml-3">
<h4 class="h6 mb-0">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<small class="text-muted">Head of IT department at Google</small>
<!-- End Reviewer -->
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Testimonials #13
With Front Pay, you can check out across the web and in apps without having to enter any payment information.

Maria Muszynska
Business ManagerFrom boarding passes to transit and movie tickets, there's pretty much nothing you can't store with Front Pay.

Massalha Shady
CEO at SlackI love Front Pay for cash back, reward points and fraud protection – just like when you're swiping your card.

Mark McManus
Front Pay user<!-- Testimonials Section -->
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<p class="mb-0">With Front Pay, you can check out across the web and in apps without having to enter any payment information.</p>
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Maria Muszynska</h4>
<small class="d-block text-secondary">Business Manager</small>
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<p class="text-white mb-0">From boarding passes to transit and movie tickets, there's pretty much nothing you can't store with Front Pay.</p>
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img11.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Massalha Shady</h4>
<small class="d-block text-light">CEO at Slack</small>
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<p class="mb-0">I love Front Pay for cash back, reward points and fraud protection – just like when you're swiping your card.</p>
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<img class="img-fluid rounded-circle" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img4.jpg" alt="Image Description">
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<h4 class="h6 mb-1">Mark McManus</h4>
<small class="d-block text-secondary">Front Pay user</small>
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