
A cross-browser library of CSS and JavaScript animations.


animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.


Copy-paste the stylesheet <link> into your <head> to load the CSS.

                        <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/vendor/animate.css/animate.min.css">

Add the class .animated to the element you want to animate.

Animation classes

Add one of the following animation classes:

Class names
.bounce .flash .pulse .rubberBand
.shake .headShake .swing .tada
.wobble .jello .bounceIn .bounceInDown
.bounceInLeft .bounceInRight .bounceInUp .bounceOut
.bounceOutDown .bounceOutLeft .bounceOutRight .bounceOutUp
.fadeIn .fadeInDown .fadeInDownBig .fadeInLeft
.fadeInLeftBig .fadeInRight .fadeInRightBig .fadeInUp
.fadeInUpBig .fadeOut .fadeOutDown .fadeOutDownBig
.fadeOutLeft .fadeOutLeftBig .fadeOutRight .fadeOutRightBig
.fadeOutUp .fadeOutUpBig .flipInX .flipInY
.flipOutX .flipOutY .lightSpeedIn .lightSpeedOut
.rotateIn .rotateInDownLeft .rotateInDownRight .rotateInUpLeft
.rotateInUpRight .rotateOut .rotateOutDownLeft .rotateOutDownRight
.rotateOutUpLeft .rotateOutUpRight .hinge .jackInTheBox
.rollIn .rollOut .zoomIn .zoomInDown
.zoomInLeft .zoomInRight .zoomInUp .zoomOut
.zoomOutDown .zoomOutLeft .zoomOutRight .zoomOutUp
.slideInDown .slideInLeft .slideInRight .slideInUp

Usage Example

                              <div class="animated infinite bounce">Example</div>


You can change the duration of your animations by adding a delay or by changing the number of times that it plays:

                        #yourElement {
                          -vendor-animation-duration:: 3s;
                          -vendor-animation-delay:: 2s;
                          -vendor-animation-iteration-count:: infinite;