Visavail Timeline

This library visualizes the availability of time-dependent data with a chart on a website.

How to use?

Copy-paste the stylesheet <link> into your <head> to load the CSS.

              <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/visavail-custom/css/visavail.css">

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Implementing Plugins to enable it.

              <script src="../../assets/vendor/visavail-custom/js/visavail.js"></script>

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Nova to enable it.

              <script src="../../assets/js/components/hs.visavail-timeline.js"></script>

Copy-paste the init function under JS Plugins Init., before the closing </body> tag, to enable it.

                $(document).on('ready', function () {
                  // initialization of timeline chart

Basic example

                    <!-- Visavail Timeline -->
                    <div id="chartTimeline" class="chart--timeline"
                           "measure": "Start",
                           "interval_s": 86400,
                           "value": "0",
                           "data": [
                             ["2017-01-22", "#07d7f7"],
                             ["2017-02-11", "#07d7f7"]
                         }, {
                           "measure": "Soft Cap",
                           "interval_s": 86400,
                           "value": "3,050",
                           "data": [
                             ["2017-02-11", "#8069f2"],
                             ["2017-03-02", "#8069f2"],
                             ["2017-04-22", "#8069f2"]
                         }, {
                           "measure": "Hard Cap",
                           "interval_s": 86400,
                           "value": "48,050",
                           "data": [
                             ["2017-04-22", "#0cdcb9"],
                             ["2017-05-08", "#0cdcb9"],
                             ["2017-06-22", "#0cdcb9"],
                             ["2017-07-11", "#0cdcb9"]
                           "bottom": 30
                           "top": 17,
                           "left": 8
                         data-axis-font-family="Source Sans Pro, sans-serif"
                         data-labels-font-family="Source Sans Pro, sans-serif"
                    <!-- End Visavail Timeline -->

JavaScript behavior


              margin: {
                top: 0,
                right: 40,
                bottom: 0,
                left: 100
              dataHeight: 18,
              lineSpacing: 14,
              width: 940,
              maxDisplayDatasets: 0,
              valueMargin: {
                top: 0,
                left: 0
              axisOrientation: 'top',
              valueColor: '#ffffff',
              valueFontSize: 16,
              axisFontSize: 12,
              axisColor: '#8b8e9f',
              axisFontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
              labelsFontSize: 16,
              labelsColor: '#4a4e69',
              labelsFontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'
Parameter Description indent at the top of the graph from the edge of the area in which the graph is located.
margin.right indent on the right of the graph from the edge of the area in which the graph is located.
margin.bottom indent at the bottom of the graph from the edge of the area in which the graph is located.
margin.left indent on the left of the graph from the edge of the area in which the graph is located.
dataHeight Height of the columns
lineSpacing sets the amount of space between the lines for the label set to value. It is recommended to give the same value as in the dataHeight, otherwise the row will be located either below or above the centre of the column.
width width of the chart.
maxDisplayDatasets limits the maximum number of columns shown.
axisOrientation determines in which part of the chart the labels will be displayed along the X axis. Possible values:
  • top
  • bottom
Default value: top Indent from the top of the label specified in value from the edge of the column.
valueMargin.left Indent to the left of the label specified in value from the edge of the column.
valueColor color of the label specified in value.
valueFontSize font size of the label specified in value.
axisFontSize The font size of labels along the X axis.
axisColor color labels on the axis X.
axisFontFamily X-line label font family.
labelsFontSize label font size on the Y axis.
labelsColor color labels on the Y axis.
labelsFontFamily label font family Y.


Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-data-set="".

Attribute Description
data-data-set array of data for the graph. Where:
  • measure - the name of a specific column of the graph.
  • interval_s - period time in seconds.
  • value - the label that is displayed inside the column.
  • data - data is an array, the first value of which is the beginning of the period, and the second color of this period.
data-margins the indents of the graph from the edges of the area in which the graph is located.
data-height Height of the columns.
data-width Width of the chart.
data-line-spacing sets the amount of space between the lines for the label set to value. It is recommended to give the same value as in data-height, otherwise the line will be located either below or above the center of the column.
data-max-display-datasets limits the maximum number of columns shown.
data-axis-orientation determines in which part of the chart the labels will be displayed along the X axis. Possible values:
  • top
  • bottom
Default value: top
data-value-margin The indents of the label specified by value at the top and left of the column edges.
data-value-color color of the label specified in value.
data-value-font-size font size of the label specified in value.
data-axis-font-size The font size of labels along the X axis.
data-axis-color color labels on the axis X.
data-axis-font-family X-line label font family.
data-labels-font-size label font size on the Y axis.
data-labels-color color labels on the Y axis.
data-labels-font-family Label font family on the Y axis.
data-is-responsive determines whether the graph is adaptive.