File Structures
A guide to understanding how Space is structured and organized.
Download package
Download package contains three main assets/
, html/
and starter/
Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder and you'll see something like this:
This is the most basic form of Space: precompiled files for quick drop-in usage in nearly any web project. We provide compiled CSS and JS (theme.css
and hs.*.js
), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (theme.min.css
and theme.min.js
is the source for HTML pages and contains HTML templates, which you see in the online demo. These HTML files can be opened easily in any browser, imported to any project, or modified to suit your needs.
Space is a Static Template
For the time being, we do not offer any tutorials or any other materials on how to integrate Space with any CMS, Web Application framework or any other similar technology. However, since Space is a static HTML/CSS and JS template, then it should be compatible with any backend technology.
includes all the assets that are referenced in the HTML pages.
Precompiled versions of JavaScript and CSS files are generated in their respective assets/js/
and assets/css
folders to support the self-contained 'static website'.
Below given folders are used in the template:
- Ajax folders with their filescss
- CSS filesimg
- Imagesjs
- JavaSscript filessass
- SASS folders with their filessvg
- SVG imagesvendor
- Third-party libraries
Core JavaScript
The foundation of the JavaScript structure in Space is based on one main object which does not change the root when the new functionalities are added, but instead, it only expands without affecting the behavior of the core object. The name of the object is HSCore
and the content of this object looks like this:
Essentials of HSCore Object
HSCore Settings
- here, all general settings are stored by default. For example, effects of jQuery animation, RTL version etc. and also you can store AJAX calls by default.
HSCore Helpers
- here, you can store helper functions in order to avoid repetition of codes or objects, which are often used by other core components (they are the part of a whole core). For example, a project needs to get the width of the browser's scrollbar and since it is different in all browsers you should write a tiny simple script. In this case, you may just place your script under the helpers.
In order to keep, the main file clear and easy to use, all helper components can be placed under the following path assets/js/helpers/
HSCore Components
- this is the most voluminous (massive) component. Here you can include all the starter components of the template. The aim of this approach is to give developers as much flexibilities as possible by giving all major parameters of starter components via data-*
attributes initializing.
As an example, let's take a look how a "FancyBox" plugin (library) is used within this JavaScript approach by creating decorator pattern (wrapper) around the plugin, where it automatically initialize the diagram on the basis of the data-*
obtained. In the result, the initialization is pretty simple:
Such an object wrapper can be referred to the components and in a result the initialization looks like this:
Expanding (Extension) the Decorator Pattern (Wrapper)
Extension such an object can be in separate files, which even gives flexibility to keep the main file clear and it is highly recommended. All wrappers of starter's components are located under the following path assets/js/components/
Here is an example how decorator pattern (wrapper) looks like:
- Avoiding the probabilities of conflicts between Space codes and third party plugins (libraries).
- Intuitive clear architecture.
- Everything is structured, each component in its own file and in its component in the main object.
- The ability of extending functionality without affecting the behavior of the core object and not changing the existing functionality.
- By creating wrapper components, simply solves complicated initializations structures for the users.
- Very easy access to any starters components and core settings from anywhere in the template.